Starting to vlog

Something has occurred to me. Actually I suppose I’ve been aware of it for a while, and it’s been nagging at me, pretty much constantly, over the course of the last year. My social media strategy is now non existent.…


Busy, busy, busy.

Well where did the last 2 months go? There I was religiously posting every week and then LILAC occurred. I now have a LILAC shapped hole in my blog posts. I also have a ‘wow April was busy’ shaped hole…


I tweet, what else can twitter do for me?

I almost called this ‘I tweet, therefore I am’. But I didn’t. I believe Jeff Bullas cautions again using cliches when blogging. So I would never do that. 😉 (10 secrets of professional writers every blogger should know, I believe it’s…


Blogs and their wily ways

So I was going to write a blog post today. I was actually going to do it two hours ago. Instead I’ve just spent those hours searching for a new theme and tidying up my blog. Finding (Creating?) the time…