I tweet, what else can twitter do for me?

I almost called this ‘I tweet, therefore I am’. But I didn’t. I believe Jeff Bullas cautions again using cliches when blogging. So I would never do that. 😉 (10 secrets of professional writers every blogger should know, I believe it’s…


This week I’ve been mostly reading…

…the following blogs and articles: DELILA (Developing Educators Learning and Information Literacies for Accreditation. Or my friend Jane’s project @jsecker & http://elearning.lse.ac.uk/blogs/socialsoftware/): DELILA Project blog: http://delilaopen.wordpress.com DELILA Outcomes and reports: http://delilaopen.wordpress.com/outcomes-and-reports/ Journal of Information Literacy: http://ojs.lboro.ac.uk/ojs/index.php/JIL in particular the Welsh…